Essa semana fui dar uma garimpada nas novidades,afinal estamos em fase de transição de estação,e a primavera já começa dar o seu ar da graça,e as coleções mudam...
As Melissas eu vi no shopping Aricanduva,numa loja que revende essas belezinhas,destaque pra do big laço dourado,que é incrivel de perto,acreditem!
Ela vem tambem na cor vermelha,com o laço vermelho...
A botinha bem militar é da Renner e custa R$89,90 (se não me engano!),porque eu vejo o preço de tantas coisas,que acabo esqueçendo...(rs.)Ela é verde musgo,e fica linda nos pés,me lembrou muito o clipe de Tennage Dream da Kate Perry,se voçês gostaram de algumas delas corra,porque elas esgotam!
This week I went for a panned in the news, after all we are going through a transition season, and spring is beginning to give her air of grace, and collections change ...
The Melissas Aricanduva I saw at the mall, tinue store that sells these little beauties, especially for the big gold loop, which is incredibly close, believe me!
It also comes in red, with red ribbon ...
The military is well bootie Renner and costs 89.90 (if not mistaken!) Because I see the price of many things, they forget .. It is moss green, and looks good on your feet, it reminded me of the clip Tennage of Dream of Kate Perry, if you guys like some of them run, because they run out!
The Melissas Aricanduva I saw at the mall, tinue store that sells these little beauties, especially for the big gold loop, which is incredibly close, believe me!
It also comes in red, with red ribbon ...
The military is well bootie Renner and costs 89.90 (if not mistaken!) Because I see the price of many things, they forget .. It is moss green, and looks good on your feet, it reminded me of the clip Tennage of Dream of Kate Perry, if you guys like some of them run, because they run out!
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