Semana essa que é mais curta,em virtude da Páscoa,
por isso postarei até quarta-feira as novidades pra voces,
e atenção meninos o post de voces da semana,será na quarta-feira!
Tenho ficado muito feliz com os comentários dos leitores do blog,e a cada dia vejo o quanto é válido ajudar aqueles que estão perdidos em seus estilos,e dar cada dia mais glamour a todos!(I like this!)
O primeiro post da semana será sobre MAKE PARA O DIA!
Resolvi escrever sobre ele,porque muitas mulheres não sabem o que usar nas manhãs diarias.
Primeira regra do Make Dia:Não entra nada com brilho,nem cintilante (ambos contem particulazinhas brilhosas),pois a graça é exatamente essa ser mais clean,basica e saudável!
Aliás ser saudavel,ao meu ponto de vista é o principal,porque ninguem mereçe sair de casa sem ao menos uma pele feita um blush malva ou pessego,e um batonzinho nude né gente?!
Vamos alguns exemplos:
The week started folks!
This week, which is shorter because of Easter,
so I'll post until Wednesday the news to you guys,
attention and the post of you boys this week, will be onWednesday!
I have been very happy with comments from blog readers, and every day I see how valid is to help those who are lost in theirstyles, and give more and more glamorous at all! (I like this!)
The first post of the week will be about TO MAKE THE DAY!
I decided to write about it because many women do not know what to use daily in the mornings.
Make first rule of the Day: Do not enter anything bright or flashy(both contain particles, glossy), because this is exactly the grace to be more clean, basic and healthy!
Besides being healthy, in my view is the main thing, becausenobody deserves to leave home without at least a skin made mauve or peach blush and a nude batonzinho right people?!
Let a few examples:
This week, which is shorter because of Easter,
so I'll post until Wednesday the news to you guys,
attention and the post of you boys this week, will be onWednesday!
I have been very happy with comments from blog readers, and every day I see how valid is to help those who are lost in theirstyles, and give more and more glamorous at all! (I like this!)
The first post of the week will be about TO MAKE THE DAY!
I decided to write about it because many women do not know what to use daily in the mornings.
Make first rule of the Day: Do not enter anything bright or flashy(both contain particles, glossy), because this is exactly the grace to be more clean, basic and healthy!
Besides being healthy, in my view is the main thing, becausenobody deserves to leave home without at least a skin made mauve or peach blush and a nude batonzinho right people?!
Let a few examples:
Gosto muito desse make,como voce pode ver é tudo bem clean,mas dá AQUELA diferença.Nesse entrou mascara de cilios de volume,sombra marrom,blush natural e baton rosinha.
I really like this make, as you can see everything is very clean, but itwent THAT diferença.Nesse lashes volume mascara, brown shadow, blush and lipstick natural pink.
Esse make da Paloma Bernardi é mais clean ainda,entrou sombra dourada ou perolada,lapis preto,blush beeeemmmm fraquinho e batom nude.
This make of Bernard Paloma is even more clean, went gold orpearly shadow, black pencil, blush and lipstick beeeemmmm crushnude.
Esse make da Miley Cirus tá um pouco mais forte,entrou mascara de cilios VOLUME,sombra preta,mais bem fraquinha,blush neutro e barom com um pouquinho de cintilância.
This make the Miley Cyrus're a little stronger, entered mascaralashes VOLUME, black shadow, and more feeble, blush and neutralbarom with a little sparkling.
Espero que voces tenham pegado bem o espirito do make dia,qualquer duvida me perguntem!I hope you caught the spirit and make the day, any questions ask me!
Espero que voces tenham pegado bem o espirito do make dia,qualquer duvida me perguntem!I hope you caught the spirit and make the day, any questions ask me!
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